Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 33

*This one is from today..I have a new reverence/respect for droplets thanks to Blaire. Definitely not as good as her pictures, kind of random focus, but I thought it looked like they were sugar coated.


April said...

I was about to say frosty until you mentioned sugar coated. They look like something for Christmas.

Amanda said...

That is awesome. Great purple color. I love it.

Unknown said...

Laurie your photos are so great! Love all your nature shots and that one of Cora is really cool.

Heather said...

those are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

it is totally an awesome shot! you'll become obsessed with photographing water droplets; it's just too much fun:)

Cathy said...

Yum! Beautiful! I'll have to go find some water droplets myself, I never knew how pretty they could be!